Suryanamaskara (SALUTIONS TO SUN) सूर्य-नमस्कार

Hiranmayena patrena ,
satyasyapihitam mukham
tat tvam pushann apavrinu ,
satya-dharmaya drishtaye
O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your
dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to
Your pure devotee. O Pushan, nourisher of all, please remove your glaring
effulgence. (Isopanishad, Verse 15)
Each round of suryanamaskar is done after the utterance of Omkar' with the appropriate 'Bija' Mantra along with the corresponding name of sun God in the following sequence.
Surya-Namaskara Mantras
the 12 names of Surya Bhagvan-the Sun God
1. Aum Mitraya Namah
2. Aum Ravayre Namah
3. Aum Suryaya Namah
4. Aum Bhanave Namah
5. Aum Khagaya Namah
6. Aum Pushne Namah
7. Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
8. Aum Marichaye Namah
9. Aum Adityaya Namah
10. Aum Savitre Namah
11. Aum Arkaya Namah
12. Aum Bhaskaraya Namah
Namaskaar mudra-
Stand facing the Sun with palms folded and
both the thumbs touching the chest.
Breathing: Inhale while raising the hands
and exhale as hands are brought down to
chest level
1-Hastuttana asana-
Raise hands upward, with feet firmly on
the ground, bend backwards, stretch arms
Breathing: Inhale
now Bend the body forward and down, keeping the spine straight.
the legs straight and perpendicular to the ground. The knees will straight.
Breathing: exhale.
Take the right leg back and place the knee and the toes on the floor.right leg
strech properly,bend the neck backwards,push the buttock forward and downward.look up
Breathing: enhale
4-Tulasana-(balancing pose)
now exhale and take the left leg also back,balancing only palm & toes,keep the body straight
from head to toes,take care to keep the neck in line with the back.
Breathing: exhale
5-Shashanka asana (rabbit pose)-
Now, bend at the knee and rest the knees on the floor without
altering the position of the palms and toes. Rest the forehead
on the floor while breathing in and breathe out completely
while moving backwards.
BreathING: Inhale & Exhale (normally)
6-Sashtang namaskaar-
Stretch yourself fully on the ground in the
Saashtanga Namaskar pose (all eight ‘anga’ or
parts of the body on the ground – head, thigh,
eyes (sight), mind, word, feet, hands and ears
(hearing)). In reality, feet, knees, thighs, chest,
forehead touch the ground with the hands
stretched out and in folded position, with your
mind and thoughts on the full namaskar,
Breathing: hold (bahya kumbhak)
7-Bhujangasana (cobra pose)-
Slowly raise the head, bend backward as much as
possible, hands straight, in the cobra pose.
Breathing: Inhale
On the exhalation raise the buttocks and lower the head
between the arms, so that the body forms a triangle with the floor.
Try to place the heels flat on the ground. Focus awareness at the feet.
breathing: exhale
now bend the knee and rest the knees on the floor.
resume posture 5.
BreathING: Inhale & Exhale (normally)
Bring the right leg in between the two hands.left leg strech properly.
look up.resume posture 3.
Breathing: inhale
Bring the left foot forward,pull the stomach inwards,forehead
touch the knees.Resume posture 2
Breathing: exhale
12-Hastuttana asana-
Raise hands upward.See backward.resume posture 1.
Breathing: inhale
Namaskaar Mudra-
Breathing: inhale & exhale
Resume starting pose.
This completes one round of Surya Namaskar.
Benifits -
Surya namaskar is highly beneficial if you want to lose weight.
Keeping the body trim by getting rid of excess fat.
improve Flexibility of joints &
good for Spinal column and limbs.
Proper blood circulation.
Digestive system improvement.
Memory and concentration improvements.
Providing good ventilation to the lungs and toning them.
helps in improving posture and provides strength to the muscles.
Surya namaskar assists in stimulating every system of the body. It strengthens the heart,
keeps the nervous system in place and makes the digestive system strong.
All the glands function properly with the surya namaskar.
Surya namaskar regulates your body, removes your stress and helps you
in getting sound sleep