Introduction of Yoga
Yoga is very ancient science.Its roots about 5000 years BC as described in vedic philosophy and patanjali.Yoga means union,between the mind,body and sprit.It involves the practiceof meaning and physical poses,but the ultimate aim of practicing yoga is to create a balance between the body and the mind and to attain self enlightment.In order to accomplish it.Yoga makes use of different poses ,Breathing practice,relaxation technique and meditation.
The practice of Yoga makes the body strong and flexible.It also improves the functioning of the respiration,circulatory , digestive,cardiacand harmonal system.Yoga brings about imotional stability and clarity of mind.Yoga is associated with a healthy lifestyle with a balanced approachto life. In Maharshi Patanjali Yoga sutras ,the eight fold path is called 'Ashtanga' , which litterally means Eight Limbs (Astha-Eight,Anga-Limb).These limbs are defined in the second chapter of the yoga sutras of patanjali.Eight stages of Yoga for health,harmony wellbeing and ultimate self-realization. Eight Limbs of Yoga are-
1-Yama-(Social Discipline)
a)-Satya(A Principle of Truthfullness)
b)-Ahimsa(A Principle of Non-Violence)
c)-Asteya(A Principle of Non-stealing)
e)-Aparigrah(A Principle of Non-Hoarding)
2-Niyama-(Individual Discipline)
d-Swadhyaya(Self Study)
e-Ishwar Pranidhana(Dedication)
4-Pranayama-(Breath control)
5-Pratyahaar-(Discipline of senses)
6-Dharana-(Concentration on object)
7-Dhyana(Meditation or devotion)